About us

GNU GPL acts as a distributor of GPL-licensed items developed by third-party developers. We are not involved in the creation, development, or modification of these items. Furthermore, GNU GPL is not affiliated with, endorsed by, or associated with any entities such as WordPress, WooCommerce, Shopify, etc. All items listed on our platform are provided independently under the terms of the GPL license.

GNU GPL is basically tech related website where we publish the content concerning of website development, themes installation, uses of plugins and much more to reduce much efforts for developers and newly skilled. GNU General Public License (GPL) is our main motive to spread awareness between developers and public. GNU General Public License (GPL) is a free, copyleft license that gives users the right to modify, share, study, and run software. It was the first copyleft license to be widely used. We provide the free themes, plugins, templates and much more under GPL License.